The importance of bookkeeping

As a business owner, you’ll need to stay informed about your finances and your financial situation. You do this through bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is the process of recording transactions in your business. This includes any transactions, credit card charges and any other financial activity that happens within your company. How good bookkeeping helps you Bookkeeping is vital for any business. First, it helps you understand your finances. Bookkeeping gives you insights…  Read more

Smart money tips for business owners

Small business owners know how important it is to save money. They know that one day that dollar could come in handy, especially during slower times. Saving money is definitely important, but there are also things small business owners can – and should – spend their money on today. It might seem counterproductive to spend money when you want to put it in the bank – and make no mistake,…  Read more

5 signs you have cash flow issues

Whether it’s for personal use or for your business, cash flow is important. The movement of money in and out keeps everything running smoothly, and you have to know where you stand. But what if it seems that your cash flow isn’t really, well, flowing? If it seems that you’ve tightened your belt in every area and still coming up short, you might have cash flow issues. Here are some…  Read more

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